Sunday, 23 March 2014


Blood and Organ

By looking at they way our community is going, I personally belief that our community is not blessed by god as much as it needs to be. Today lets speak about one of the most noble charity of all time, Blood and organ donation.

Alot of people are getting knocked out in the road nowadays and thus the amount of people who requires blood is increasing. However,not all of us are very fond of giving blood,from my personal experience, these are the reasons that they give...

a)Dun wan lah praveen, I scared I will become fat

-my anbu makkals, you will never get fat if you donate blood in fact you will actually lose approximately 200 calories each time you donate blood. This trauma of gaining weight should be stopped!!

b)I feel very weak lah praveen if i donate blood, I scared i cant do my daily routine properly

- There is no evident that you will actually be weak after donating blood. This is a another excuse which is given to avoid donating blood. Unless you wanna thani after donating blood,then dun worry you wont have a single problem to continue your daily routine.

c)I am scared lah praveen, blood donation can be a very painful procedure.

-the only moment that the blood donation is gonna hurt a little is when the puncturing of needle for donation which will take approximately 2 second at most!!!! it is not gonna hurt you all the way. Please don not use this as a excuse to not donate blood. Everyone can hit the gym and endure pain just to get six pacs and minat the sarekes. When someone ask you does it hurt to go to the gym, the usual respond is NO PAIN NO GAIN, but when it comes to doing an angelic thing, why pain suddenly becomes a very strong excuse?

d)Dont wan lah praveen, my blood already dirty because I smoke always.

-Ladies and gentlemen, I am not here to argue about smoking is right or not, but i know that smoking is not an excuse for avoiding blood donation. As long you never smoke one hour before and after smoking, its good enough already.(You will be properly screened before being able to donate in the first place,so dont make assumptions like a doctor and let the doctors to do their job).


-seriously!!!!! this is the lamest excuse of all time, there is an old saying, no matter who you are,time is always the same for everyone because god does not side with anyone. 

These are like the common reasons given by those who dont want to donate blood. Now lets go to the organ itsation part. Personally, I am conducting a self campaign for organ donation.I  go around and ask people if they are interested in organ donation and if they do, then I will give them the form to fill up at that instant and do the submitting of the form personally. From all the reason, the ones that I betul betul cannot tahan is these three

a)If I donate, I wont have eyes during my funeral la ? I wont have anything in my body ke?

-literally i am asking you, how many of you all have seen a dead person in the coffin with their eyes wide open??? and how many of you have literally open a dead body's eyes in a funeral??? Do you really think this is an excuse??? and for the second question, dude!!! You are freaking dead, what the hell you have all your organs in your body for??? they gonna bakar or tanam you anyhow, so its better for you all to donate your organs rather than it just going waste like that??? 

b)I dont have time lah bro...

-if this is really your excuse, then maybe I can help you if you are someone from selangor, melaka, kuala lumpur or negeri sembilan, if time is your problem, then all you got to do is text me. I will personally  come to the place which is easy for you. You just fill up the form which will take you less than 2 minutes and I will do the rest. If you have a printer and a scanner and malas wanna post it, just print the document online, fill it up, scan it and send it to my email
i will do the rest

c)I think this is against my religion's belief....

-According to my research and surveys, All the four main religion in malaysia (hindu, islam, christianity and buddhism) promotes organ donation. None of these religions opposes organ donation as all believe its a very noble act for a person who is donating organs.

If you wanna keep giving excuses, you can continue doing that. If you wanna make the world a better place, then you can look at yourself and make the change.

Lastly i just wanna say to everyone that this above post is personally my own opinion and if it was never meant to offend anyone. If it did, then SORRY is the word which i will use...

Reminder: Start helping our people because if we dont, none will !!!


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