Saturday, 22 March 2014


Tamilan Vs Alcohol

Biasalah bro....alcohol is undoubtedly the killing machine of indian community. Alcohol has basically caused everything except success to our people. Whose fault is our community is exposed this kind of wabak berbahaya???? Personally if u ask me, I would say that drinking is not a BIGGY BIGGY BAD thing....Other words of saying it...if u manage the ways to drink properly...I dont think it would be a big problem like how it has happen to us now....First thing is this patte thani....for those who never heard of patte thani before...THIS IS THE LEGENDARY KAPAK!!!

You can actually manage to get this thing for approximately RM 15 ONLY!!! It contains 37% of alcohol...but the major problem is due the very low price of this can be bought easily by couple of MY ANBU MANAVARKAL (eventhough only 18+ can buy this drink by law)....

The next major problem with us is when we are drunk.....we actually think that all the other indian pandang us kurang ajar and ends up in a fight...Hello!!! wake up guys....its a free world....dont became superman after consuming Kapak!!!

THIS BROADCAST IS SPECIALLY TO MY ANBU EYALNYAGAL...there are tons of stuffs to be done in this place which benefits others as well as u rather than wasting money(health comes free) by becoming a slave to THANI....mau minum pun sekali sekala lah bro....I have personally met our people who actually still living the kais pagi makan pagi,kais petang makan petang.....they literally need our help....who will help us if it not us......

FOOD FOR A THOUGHT: drinking actually kills more teens than all tother drugs combined together.

Parents....please take care of your own starts at home...the affordable one, if u really think that your children is doing something bad...feel free to install mobile spy software on their hones so that u can keep monitoring them...

There is alots of this stuffs which is available to the public nowdays but pandai-pandai buat lah....dont untill your kids thinks that you dont trust them( truth hurts!!!)..

Lastly i just wanna say to everyone that this above post is personally my own opinion and if it was never meant to offend anyone. If it did, then SORRY is the word which i will use...

Reminder: Start helping our people because if we dont, none will !!!


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